Archive for October, 2012

October 30, 2012

This ad  appeared  in the Sun-Sentinel on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012.  Please get it to your networks and folks who will be voting.

Shalom International has had a huge and very busy schedule as of late.

We were at the headquarters of Debbie Wasserman Schultz with our protest and only 2 people showed support for Obama in Aventura and the rest were with us.

We were at the U of Miami on both sides of U.S. 1, when both Romney and Obama were on Univision. We got 60 in support and 4 against us on one day and 60 in support and 8 against us on the next day.

Patti in Melbourne, Fla., got tee-shirts and stickers from us and gave a tee-shirt to Glenn Beck at one of his events.

Got 12 media when we were at the Veep Debate in Danville, Ky and lots of support from grassroots. Only 3 negatives including one truck driver giving us the ‘finger’.

At Hofstra, Hempstead, NY for the 2nd Pres. Debate we got 7 media and hundreds of vehicles to see our banners and signs right by McDonald’s there. Only 3 negatives. Four came to help us. The key banner which we’ve taken everywhere they wouldn’t allow on Hempstead Turnpike or inside the lst Amendment area, which we’ve taken to the White House 20 times and also in Danville and everywhere else, with no problem.

Driving down I saw 16 stickers for Romney and only 3 for Obama. No signs for Obama and 4 for Romney.

There were 5000 at the Ryan rally in Ft. Myers, Fla. and we got 150 stickers out, since they didn’t give any out themselves. We now have 500 circulating.

We were at the Romney Hdqtrs on Sunday in Boca Raton where Mayor Guiliani spoke and two tv stations did video of our signs:
“When did the Democrats go from Camelot to Crap-a-lot?” and “Benghazi is an Act of War, Obama is Covering Up”. We sold lots of stickers and tee-shirts.

Since Lynn Univ., sight of the 3rd Pres., debate, was the only campus that  didn’t have a lst Amendment area, we held a rally to support Israel and fight terorism at FAU and got two more tv stations to cover us. We had terrific support from the traffic on Glades Rd and 10th Ave., and only 5 ‘F.U.’s, 3 of them from one woman who had to drive around three times to show her foolishness and another woman who gave us the finger and drove around twice for that level of stupidity. Otherwise, we had terrific support. There were 3 Obama folks also yelling at us here and also when we went to Congress and Yamato Rd. with our signs and again great support from the grassroots.

On Tuesday, we did our weekly at the Fed. Bldg. in Ft. Laud. and 3 for Obama and ten times more for us. In the evening we attended an event in North Miami Beach, with John Voight, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved and Dennis Prager. We sold alot of stickers afterwards.

This was our 569th rally/event since Oct. 2007 and 1904 news interviews.

The media gives one story and we see another with our visibility. Many are afraid to identify themselves, but give us support and we are greatful.

In this last week, we will be out there daily and again need your help, so please donate to: “Defend Jerusalem”, P.O.Box 402263, Miami Beach, Fla. 33140.

Yours in Shalom,
Bob Kunst
Pres., Shalom International