Archive for July, 2009

Chicago Rally : Block Efforts to Divide Israel and Jerusalem
July 23, 2009


Rally for Israel Against Rahm Emanuel and Obama’s efforts to Divide Israel and Jerusalem.


 When:             August 9, 2009
Time:               Noon to 3:00 P.M.
Where:            Daley Plaza
                             Downtown Chicago, at the Picasso Statue


No 2-States, No Division of Jerusalem!

It’s been Jewish for 3,000 years!

 NO Nukes for Iran; No Freeze on Israeli’s cities!

No funding of Islamic terrorists via the UN, EU or Obama/Hillary! 

    Israel has been ours for 5,000 years!


   Israel’s Haaretz Newspaper on July 10, 2009 quoted Bibi Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister, calling both Emanuel and David Axelrod, “self-hating Jews”.  

The Arabs/Muslims want Israel and all Jews dead. The Mufti of Jerusalem was aligned with Hitler, Abbas/Hamas/Hezbollah etc. all cowardly denying the Holocaust, but want to finish what Hitler started. We get it even if Obama/Emanuel/Axelrod, etc. don’t.

From Hitler to Hamas the Holocaust Continues.

Sponsored by Shalom International (, who has done 125 rallies/events and nearly 1,000 news interviews since October 2007. See our website for background. We led the opposition to “Annapolis”, were at both National Conventions, AIPAC, White House, rallied in Jerusalem when the Pope was there and opposed “Durban II” in Geneva, among our very many visibilities.


We rallied at the White House on 7/5/09, and are bringing the campaign to Chicago and to the Jewish community, who have yet to respond to Obama/Emanuel/Axelrod, who are demanding that Israel divide Jerusalem and give it to the very forces who want all Jews dead. Then Obama and his Jewish sellouts now tell Jews not to reproduce in their holy lands. This anti-semitism and genocide betrayal of Israel and America must be protested and we will be at Daley Plaza and urge everyone with any self-respect and who love America and Israel, to join with us.


Obama/Emanuel/Axelrod wouldn’t dare ask the Muslims to give up Mecca for Peace or not to reproduce, but have no problem telling the Jews to give up our Covenant with G-d; our 5000 year history which is the history of the world; our faith and identity as Jews, our struggles and sufferings from the Romans, Crusades, Inquisition, Pogroms, Holocaust and 7 Arab wars (Obama cowardly ignored this in his Cairo speech) and the tens of millions of Jews murdered for Jerusalem which belongs to every Jew in the world and doesn’t belong to Obama, Emanuel or Axelrod, whose insidious politics are leading us to WWIII, while they do nothing about Iran’s nukes that they will have in six months and will use.

Chicago’s Jews told us all we could trust Obama, who got 78% of the Jewish vote nationally, that made him President and he has done everything possible to blame Israel for everything and stab us in the back every chance he gets, while siding with the very forces who scream “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”. We are asking Chicago Jews who understand this sellout ,to stop making excuses and to join with us.


Now Obama/Emanuel/Axelrod’s blackmail of Israel includes, not standing in the way of Israel striking Iran to prevent being nuked, as long as Israel gives up being Israel and divides itself into 2-states, with Hamas now striking Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion. Israel has to pay in order to survive. Got it? We do!
We urge all Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and “all Infidels” who understand the great danger Obama has placed us in to join with us.

Yours in Shalom,

Bob Kunst
President., Shalom International    

For your viewing pleasure







Protesting Against Obama’s Plans for Israel
July 7, 2009

On July 4th 2009  Shalom International took to the streets of  Washington DC in front of the White House to protest President Barack Hussein Obama’s policy of turning his back on Israel.

View embeded video of telephoned interview with  Bob Kunst President “Shalom International” streamed from Israel NN TV ( ) as seen on Arutz 7
